Case Study: How can a Wellness Technology Company Play it Smart?

In the Process stage we will take steps to ensure the integrity of the data and ensure the data is clean. Once completed the data will be ready for analysis.

Key Tasks:

Data Source:

FitBit Fitness Tracker Data:

dailyActivity Obervations:


SleepDay Column Details:

Data Observations:

Next Steps:

Check out Hourly files

Hourly Intensities column details:

Data Observations: For Calories, Intensity and Steps files:


Merge the hourly Calories, Intensity and Steps datasets

Check for duplicates

Check out Minute Files

Notes: Intensity value:

0 = Sedentary 1 = Light 2 = Moderate 3 = Very Active

METs = metabolic equivalents.

One MET is defined as the energy you use when you’re resting or sitting still.

An activity that has a value of 4 METs means you’re exerting four times the energy than you would if you were sitting still.

The MET level is higher as the intensity of your activity increases. For example, 2.5 METs is the amount of energy used each minute to walk leisurely, but that goes up to 5 METs when walking very briskly at 4 mph. You are burning 5 times as many calories per minute when walking briskly as sitting quietly.

Data Observations: For Calories, Intensity, Steps & METs files:


Merge files

Heart Rate


Value = Mean heart rate value

Data Observations:


Merge (inner join) Heart rate data with the minutes data (min_merge)



Value indicating the sleep state. 1 = asleep, 2 = restless, 3 = awake

Data Observations:


Merge min_merge, minSleep and HR left

Summary of Transformations
